Pastor Dr. Lilith Chung was born in Birmingham, England and is the second to youngest child of Evangelist Iris Woodley-Robinson. Lilith is the proud mother of 4 children and is a Dr of Physiotherapy, working at University College Birmingham as Senior Lecturer.
Lilith’s call to ministry started when she age of 9yrs old where she was filled in the Jenkins Street, Small Heath at the “Upper Room Revival”, Lilith began preaching. She has served over the years in several ministries including Christian Education, Choir and Worship Ministry, Women’s Ministry, Youth and Children’s Ministry. Lilith has ministered in the United States where she lived for 23 years and in Jamaica. She was appointed as the Senior Pastor at the Church of God of Prophecy in Small Heath in January 2022.
Pastor Lil (as she is affectionately known as) is called to preach and teach. She has a unique way of preaching the word and has been nick named the ‘Preacher with the Props’. She has a passion for The Word of a God and loves to teach. Like Esther she is called for such a time as this.
“I will say of the lord he is my refuge and my fortress my God in him will I trust” -Ps 91:2